by: Alexander Genil
We were happy to have Mr. Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., President & CEO of the U.S.-based Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) talking about Leadership at the SHRM CEO & CXO Network today.
Starting with data that more than half of employees do not find their leaders inspiring, Johnny, who was recently appointed adviser to Pres. Donald Trump as Chairman of the Board of Historically Black Colleges & Universities, shared three simple yet very relevant points on what it takes to really engage employees.
• Inspirational leadership – being “centered” or “in the moment” when dealing with others; having “spike” or spunk; walking the talk; and sharing & living the company culture.
• Global mindset – possessing multi-cultural sensitivity & awareness; strategic thinker (on Strategy: “you know it when you see it”…); ability to influence others; and respectful of differences / embracing diversity.
• Transparency – being “appropriately transparent” builds trust. If employees do not trust their leaders or if trust is betrayed, they may not only give their best at work; they may even do harm to the company. Transparency is greatly helped by communicating in simple and understandable ways.
The business and HR leaders in the audience were not only wowed by Johnny’s extemporaneous speech. Everyone saw live an example of a truly inspiring global leader.
*** Alexander Genil is the President and Chief Executive Officer of ZMG Ward Howell, Inc.