Arthur A. Alejar
Infrastructure, Construction, Property Management & Agro-Industrial
Art Alejar is Director and Practice Head for Construction, Property, Infrastructure, Energy, and Agro – Industrial sectors. He has over 20 years of experience in Human Resource Management, Administration as well as in the Health, Safety, Environment, and Engineering functions in various organizations.
Before joining the firm, Art was the Human Resources, Administration, Engineering Support Site Head at Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific (AG&P) Heavy Fabrication Yard in charge of all HR functions, Security, Technical Training, Production Support Services, Equipment Engineering, and Corporate Social Responsibility. His experience includes functional responsibilities over Administration, Facilities, Power, Waste Water Management, Corporate Communications, and Legal Affairs of several Semiconductor and Electronics companies.
Art served in the Armed Forces of the Philippines and is a former Trustee of the Philippine Quality Award Foundation. He also served as the Labor Relations Committee Head of the Association of SEIPI People Advocates and attended certification programs on BOSH, LCM and COSH Safety.
Art is a graduate of the University of the Philippines with a degree in Economics and was an ROTC Cadet Officer in the same University. He is an advocate of Lean Manufacturing concepts, Process Improvement, Kaizen as well as Horenso.