Stay Ahead of the Game with Data-Driven Recruitment Strategies
Research and Talent Intelligence
Our new Research and Talent Intelligence (RTI) offers innovative research solutions across sectors and geographies. The rigorous research process, along with the proprietary techniques to assess the hiring landscape, as well as ZMG Group’s decades of experience in talent acquisition, allow us to highlight the nuances of the market that might not be apparent on the surface.
With RTI, we customize our reports relevant to your needs which comes with actionable and impactful insights that help define a strategic direction to navigate the increasingly challenging talent market.

Our Approach
To conduct a successful study of data for our clients, we follow a four-step process. First, we ensure alignment with the client by setting up meetings to clarify project scope and timeline, as well as to present progress updates if necessary. Next, we conduct thorough research using various data sources. We then analyze the data collected, vetting and triangulating sources to ensure accuracy, and finally, we visualize and present the results in a final report. Our process is designed to provide comprehensive, data-driven insights to help clients make informed decisions.

ZMG Attrition Data®
We can generate attrition data within a company, industry, or location based on a role, function, or skill.
The data can be generated regularly to monitor market development.

ZMG Hiring Difficulty Scale®
We can assess the difficulty of hiring for a role based on the relative availability of talent in the market and the intensity of competition for talent.

Talent Landscape
The Talent Landscape report provides you with information about the talent pool and the hiring environment to help you create an effective recruitment strategy that result in reduced recruitment cost and time-to-fill.

Salary Analysis
Our Salary Analysis report is an invaluable tool that you can use to understand your position in the market, to identify the current compensation of the talent pool, or to redefine job offers to successfully attract candidates.

Talent Movement
With the intensity in competition for talent, employees have become highly mobile. Our Talent Movement reports can help you uncover and have a deeper understanding of your talent pool’s behavior.

Perception Analysis
Understanding what the talent market is saying about your brand and other market players through our Perception Analysis report is key to ensuring the success of your talent acquisition and retention programs.

Market Selection Analysis
The Market Selection Analysis report allows you to benchmark potential locations where you plan to establish presence. It contains comparative analysis of critical factors that may affect recruitment activities.
Execute Your Talent
Strategy with Our Solutions

Executive Search
Tailored and effective solutions for your top-level talent acquisition needs.

Talent Management
Strategically optimize your workforce and ensuring long-term success and sustainability.

Research and Talent Intelligence
Data-driven insights on talent market trends to drive strategic decisions.